This is an invite-only event. If you would like to be invited please email [email protected] and tell us a bit about yourself.
We are in a climate emergency. The worsening crisis is set to push us further and further into a global recession. As we move towards a green economy there is a massive demand for skilled tradespeople. We urgently need to ramp up training opportunities and the supply of people to meet the demand.
Islington is working towards a net zero carbon borough by 2030, and all organisations and institutions in Islington and beyond should be proactively working towards this too. Yet many are blocked because of a lack of suppliers, funding and other resources.
We would like to help build cooperatives in Islington that provide good, secure jobs in the trades. We know that co-ops provide a high quality to customers, a social return to society, and are environmentally conscious. The co-operative business model lends itself well to the trades and the building and construction sector, and can be appealing to groups of trades people large and small. There is a particular need now for skilled tradespeople to fit heat pumps and solar panels, which require electricians and plumbers, for example.
Cooperate Islington is hosting a roundtable discussion on September 14th 10am-12pm to explore the issues, start to connect people with demand and supply issues, and develop ideas for how we can build local co-operatives to meet growing demand for skilled green tradespeople.
What to expect:
- Introductions and networking
- Overview of Cooperate Islington and why co-ops could help this sector
- Exploration of issues and problems with supply of skilled people
- Exploration of opportunities to meet supply
- Next steps towards meeting demand in Islington